Service Graphics Print and Design Blog

How to make your calendars really stand out

Posted by: Service Graphics Marketing on Nov 16, 2020 2:33:01 PM

There are some years no one wants to dwell on. But whatever happened over the past 12 months, there’s always a new year (and a new calendar) to look forward to.

Printed calendars are the perfect way to say ‘thank you’ to customers, put your brand out there and get organised for a new business year.

In a digital-heavy world, there’s something to be said for offline organisation (in the form of a wall or desk calendar).

According to the British Promotional Merchandise Association (BPMA), 96% of recipients believe that promotional merchandise (such as calendars) increased brand awareness. While, 79% said receiving such items meant they were likely to do business with the company in future.

Your customers might be expecting you to send them an end of year invoice, but will they be expecting a printed promotional calendar in the post as well?

We’ve put together some ideas on how to make sure your calendar gets pride of place on your customers’ desk or wall.

1. Focus on your branding

The reason you’re even thinking about creating a calendar is because you want an effective marketing tool. Branding turns a regular calendar into a fantastic promotional one – as long as you get it right. Take time to think about colours, imagery and design when creating the calendar. Also, make sure your logo features on each page and your contact details are easy to find.

2. Go green

In today’s business world, sustainability is the way forward. Printed calendars already come with more eco-credentials than other promotional items (because they’re paper, not plastic). As well as being 100% recyclable, they can also be produced in a more sustainable, environmentally-friendly way. Customers prefer to do business with sustainable companies, so make it easier for them to want to do business with yours.

3. Choose a theme – and stick to it

Some businesses lend themselves perfectly to a theme. A catering company can focus on scrumptious desserts, a travel company on beautiful beaches. Others (say a waste management company) might struggle. But the imagery in your calendar doesn’t have to link directly with the product or service you offer. Be creative and come up with a theme that captures your company’s vision or ethos.

4. Make sure it’s functional

While it’s all very well thinking about the look of your calendar, it’s important you create something practical, too. The trick is finding the right balance; all style and no substance doesn’t make for a useful piece of merchandise. There are endless calendar formats – from wall planners to month-by-month layouts. Choose a format based on usefulness, not how unusual it looks. Make sure dates are clearly visible and highlight key events throughout the year.

5. Don’t compromise on quality

Whatever design choices you make, you must strive for a high-quality finish. This calendar is going to represent your brand for a full 12 months, so washed-out colours or cheap-looking paper won’t get you that valuable wall or desk space. Think about the finish and make sure the end product has a long shelf – or should we say wall/desk – life.

If you’re looking for design or print advice for promotional calendars and more, Service Graphics is on hand. As one of the biggest names in UK digital print services, we can help you create the wow factor when you need it the most.

Topics: calendar

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