Service Graphics Print and Design Blog

Spring cleaning your print branded content

Posted by: Service Graphics Marketing on Mar 24, 2021 2:09:08 PM

Printed marketing materials are often the first interaction a potential customer has with your brand. You need them to make a good impression. But the question is: do they?

A limp business card, a faded brochure, a flyer printed on cheap paper: none of these are going to do you – or your business – any favours. All they do is give the recipient the impression that you’re either unable or unwilling to invest in the things that matter.

Why change is a good thing

With the digital world so overcrowded, it’s hard to make your brand stand out online. As a result, what your printed content says about your brand has grown in value.

Flyers, brochures and stationery place your brand’s message directly into the hands of your customers. Keeping them looking fresh makes sure they stay current, eye-catching and relevant. Which is why change is so important.

With spring in the air, what better time to deep clean, declutter and dust off your printed marketing content? While this job might not need an actual feather duster, it will need you to be methodical and meticulous.

5 signs it’s time to refresh your printed content

Ready to give your print branded content a breath of fresh air? Here are five signs it’s time to start spring cleaning.

  1. Your campaigns are falling flat

You’re doing everything right: defining goals, identifying your target audience, setting key metrics. But for some reason, your campaigns aren’t achieving the success you’d hoped. Perhaps the culprit is that flyer you sent as part of your direct mail strategy.

Did it convey a good impression of your business? Or could it have done more harm than good? When your printed materials shout poor quality, your target audience is probably thinking the same about your business.

  1. Images look dated

Remember that photo shoot you organised that captured the essence of your business? The images looked great and were used across a range of marketing collateral. But when did that shoot take place? A few years ago? Ten? More? And are all the people featured in those photos even still employees?

Even stock photos can start to feel outdated and off-brand in a surprisingly short space of time. Images that once looked amazing often don’t have the same impact today. So, it might be time to invest in new stock images or professional photography and revive your printed items. It will help prospects feel like they’re dealing with an innovative, forward-thinking company, instead of one that time forgot.

  1. Branding or information has changed

The most obvious time to spring clean your printed material is when company information or branding changes. Whether you’ve adopted new Covid-safe policies, added additional social media channels or changed your logo, it’s time to update your materials.

Make sure your printed materials give customers all the information they need and align with your other marketing efforts.

  1. Online presence is missing

The digital world moves quickly – and your digital marketing efforts evolve rapidly too. So it’s important to make sure your online and offline efforts work in tandem.

There are different ways your printed collateral can showcase your online presence. Whether it’s QR codes linked to landing pages or printed Twitter hashtags that start an online conversation, printed items should be used to enhance other marketing channels. If your current print branded content is lacking in that area, it’s time to make a few changes.

  1. Marketing materials look worn

Finally, marketing materials that were printed a while ago might be starting to look their age. Who wants a dog-eared flyer or a musty brochure that’s been sat in storage for ages?

Take a long hard look at the physical condition of all your printed items to make sure they aren’t looking worn or tattered. If they are, get out that metaphorical feather duster pronto.

At Service Graphics, we’re here to help you keep all your printed collateral looking fresh. We have the experience you need to update your print content and make a success of your next marketing campaign. Get in touch with the team to find out more.


Topics: print marketing

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