Service Graphics Print and Design Blog

Why your point of sale materials are more important than you think.

Posted by: Service Graphics Marketing on Feb 12, 2021 10:13:27 AM

Impulse buys. Retailers love them, and customers are usually pretty happy with them too.

Whether they’re guiding consumers towards the tills or dotted around the shop floor, point of sale (POS) displays aim to encourage customers to make a final, unplanned purchase before reaching the tills. And when these display areas are filled with relevant items, customers may find them hard to resist.

Retailers are investing more time and effort into their POS marketing – and for good reason.

As the stats show, 84% of shoppers have made an impulse buy at some time. Meanwhile, eight in ten impulse buys are made in physical stores.

The psychology explains why. The brain has made a series of decisions throughout the shopping experience. By the time a customer arrives at the till point, their capacity to make rational decisions is virtually non-existent.

It’s also about strategy; that optimum blend of the right product in the right place at the right time, presented in just the right way.

Here are four tips on how to make your POS materials effective in influencing customers’ purchasing decisions.

  1. Be loud, bold and daring

One way to draw attention to yourself in a crowd is to be loud. The same can be said for your POS design. Large fonts, striking images and strong colours can help attract the customer’s attention.

But whatever design you go for, consistency is key. Your POS promotions need to visually tie in with the wider marketing campaign. So, be bold, but don’t move too far away from your brand in terms of font, language and colour choices.

  1. Keep the message simple

Resist the temptation to squeeze as much information as possible into your POS signage. If people want to find out more about the product, they can pick the item up from the shelf – either to find out more or compare it with another.

Keep your message clear, concise and easy to understand. The more it resonates with your audience, the better. You also want to communicate the value the product can offer the customer. You can do this using anything from statistics (showcasing the benefits) to money-off vouchers (reducing the barriers to purchase).

  1. Customise, personalise, tailor

With any kind of marketing, personalisation can take your efforts from zero to hero in an instant. Of course, POS marketing isn’t speaking to one individual, it’s communicating with many customers at one time. What you can do, however, is think about your ideal group of customers. Craft your message so that it highlights how your product can benefit that group and tailor it with strong, action-oriented language.

  1. Encourage interaction

A static POS display is one thing. But a display that allows customers to engage and interact can really build a positive customer experience. Whether it’s a QR code linking through to a product landing page, or a screen sharing product benefits, try to incorporate as much interactivity into your POS as your budget allows. Customers love to be pleasantly surprised, so hook them in and create a unique, entertaining display to showcase your product and encourage a sale.

POS materials that enhance the customer experience boost both brand awareness and sales, so never underestimate their value. At Service Graphics, we offer POS retail solutions that meet your visual communication goals. We work closely with our clients, from concept and design through to production. To find out how we can help your business, get in touch with the team today.


Topics: point of sale

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